
Play-dough Fun

Delight in Simple Things

Learn to like what does not cost much.
Learn to like reading, conversation, music.
Learn to like plain food, plain service, plain cooking.
Learn to like people, even those who may be very different from you.
Learn to shelter your family with love, comfort, and peace.
Learn to keep your wants simple.  Refuse to be owned and anchored by things and
opinions of others. 
Learn to like the sunrise and the sunset, the beating of rain on the roof and windows, the gentle fall of snow in winter.
Learn to hold heaven near and dear.
Learn to love God, for He surely loves you.

~ Anonymous

Game Night – Monopoly!

First Day of Spring – Free Cone day at Dairy Queen

I love that James still loves to play on the floor with cars.  I caught this moment because not only was he driving his Lego car across the carpet, but the car sound effects were in full swing too.  Love it!  

Anna often likes to write our chores for the morning down on her white board so she can cross them off.  I had to capture this last list: Pick up, Sweep, Vacuum, Bathrooms, Paint Nails.  Love it.  

Ironing Day

My favorite way to LISTEN to scripture

Patching Mr. Bear – Again.

Signs of Spring

Freckles on both kids!

Spring Snow

My new favorite addition to our dining room