February Goals

This past month I didn’t finish everything on my list I wanted to, but did accomplish a few things.  These extra goals I’m making every month are in addition to the usual work which often makes it hard to squeeze them in.  And the things I’m doing to take better care of myself – quiet time in the Word and walking every day – all take time each day.  So, I’m trying to give myself grace and notice that overall I’m using my time better.  

Decorate for Valentine’s Day and celebrate with family:  I decorated around February 1st so we could enjoy the decorations all month.  And we did have a wonderful evening of fondue together!

Fix burlap wreath: The wreath I planned to use on our front door in March needed some repair.  I’ve been putting this off for ages and once I finally got the glue gun out and just took care of it, it was finished in minutes.  It’s crazy how I procrastinate some projects thinking they’re so time consuming when really, many of them could be finished in the amount of time it takes me to think through it and put it off, again.  


Have piano tuned: I had this done while the kids were in school a few weeks ago and later discovered that Anna doesn’t have any memories of the piano being tuned!  Apparently I keep scheduling that while they’re in school.  I found these old pictures from 2016 – the kids LOVED watching the tuner work.  Next time I’ll have to schedule while they’re home – what a great learning experience!

Schedule physicals for Kenny and myself: We have been between doctors for awhile now and have finally chosen who we’re going to switch to.  Appointments made!

Find tray for keys: We’ve had an area on our bar where we drop our keys that continues to collect random clutter.  Often the solution to clutter is to make a home for the item that belongs there and it will help prevent other things from collecting.  I looked online for a tray of some sort that would work and finally decided to just shop our basement.  I have shelves of not only decor items to swap in and out, but also serving trays and platters, etc.  I found this lovely ceramic tray that belonged to Kenny’s grandmother.  In the past we’ve used it for serving food, but I decided it was the perfect size for our keys.  Now they’re corralled and we definitely leave fewer items laying around.  I love that I didn’t need to purchase anything new plus we’re reminded of generations past while using it.