It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

“It is a mind-boggling, hard-to-grasp, awesome story unlike any other story every told.  But what makes this story so wonderful and so important is not that its plot is way beyond anything you would’ve ever conceived.  What makes this story vital to know and understand is that it is not a well-crafted fantasy.  The thing that should make you stop in your tracks, activate your heart and mind, and fall to your knees is that this story is real.  It took place in real time at real locations with real people.  All human history was marching to the specific point in time when this story would unfold, and the implications of the events of this story reach to everyone who has lived since.  The Christmas story is the story of stories.”

Come Let Us Adore Him 
A Daily Advent Devotional
by Paul David Tripp

I am LOVING this devotional.  If you’re looking for something specific to read at Christmas, something to center your heart on Jesus, I highly recommend this book.  It is thoughtful, thought-provoking, and stirring.  And, at the end of each day’s short reading, there is a central theme to focus on with your kids, and questions to ask them. 

We’re in full Christmas mode at our house!  We decorated the house the day after Thanksgiving while mom and dad were still here.  They were a huge help!  We all love Christmas decorations so much so we try to enjoy them as long as we can.  

We’re making our way through our list of Christmas movies to watch, I’ve made one batch of cookies so far, and we’re buying gifts and sending cards.    

Ready to walk our neighborhood and look at lights!

Last Saturday while the weather was so beautiful, we enjoyed some local shopping downtown.  Most of our shopping is done online these days (which I don’t mind at all), but it was nice to support our local businesses and get out together.  

Kenny has had two lighting opportunities these last few weeks which has been wonderful.  All of the shows he had scheduled for this year were obviously canceled, so he’s enjoying getting back into it.  Our church filmed the different portions of their Christmas concert, will edit the show together, and then stream it online.  Kenny’s lighting for this show was really beautiful.  

The Advent devotional I mentioned above and the one we do as a family are key this time of year.  Baking, gifts, cards, decorating, etc. can all easily become my focus – our focus – if we’re not careful.  I have to be intentional daily, minute by minute (“Every hour I need Thee…”), reminding myself that all of these preparations are to celebrate Jesus coming to earth to rescue us.  The Christmas story is such an amazing plan to save us.  THAT is the purpose of our busy days – to point and give glory to God for His incredible mercy to save us.  

Another reason it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…it’s supposed to snow this week!  


2 thoughts on “It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

  1. Sienna says, “Anna, why were you wearing those gloves (when you put up the tree)?” I hope we see you soon. Love, Sienna

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