James in Band

Last month, the 8th-grade band was invited to join the high school marching band for the first home football game.  It is an opportunity for the 8th grade to see what marching band is like as they make the decision whether or not to join next year.  James played marimba in the percussion “pit” as it’s called – many percussion instruments on the sideline that do not march.  He played next to high schoolers and thoroughly enjoyed the night.  While we did watch the game and cheer, when half-time arrived and the band came on, all of the band parents had their time to cheer like crazy for their kids.  Kenny and I are loving this season we’re in with the kids.  

James came home with his music for the game and I might have been a bit excited as so many marching band memories came flooding back.  So, James humored me and we had a little photo session. 

James is in the center back of the band in black.