

Anna’s personality is really starting to shine.  She is funny and has a great sense of humor.

One of her cute sayings is, “Think so”.  For example, one day after getting her up from her nap:
Anna:  Snack time?
Mom:  Yes, it is.
A:  M&M’s?
M:  No, we don’t have any M&M’s.
A:  Think so (as she wrinkles her nose and turns her palms up)
M:  You think we have some?
A:  Yeah, think so.

Too cute.  I love her little facial expressions as she says it.


The other day I sent her to time out and as she walked to the stairs, she hung her head and said, “Nooo, not again”.  I wonder who she heard that from.


Then last week in the car coming home from church, she was frustrated about something and said, “Oh, Jingle Bells”.  I don’t even remember what she was upset about, but we all started laughing.  We decided “Oh, Jingle Bells” was a great phrase to use when we’re frustrated.

Anna's new "do"

Anna’s new “do”

And, she loves her cowboy boots.  She wears them all.the.time.  Kenny’s been calling her “hop-along”.


We love you, Anna girl!