Daily Audio Bible


I stumbled onto this gem awhile back and have been loving it!  For years I’ve wanted to have an audio version of the bible so I could listen in the car.  As I get older I see the need more and more to surround myself with scripture.  In my home – what I read, on my walls, and now what I listen to.

The Daily Audio Bible is just that – a cool dude, Brian, who reads portions of scripture every day.  Similar to the One Year Bible, he reads a portion of Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs every day.  You visit the website and listen for free. Super simple and so worth it.  I’ve got a link on my phone and have been listening during whatever I’m doing – making dinner, in the car, and even when I’m laying down not feeling well.

The host, Brian, opens with some chit-chat about life, the weather, or whatever, and closes with prayer.  He varies which version he reads from; last week was The Message and this week is NIV.  There are also options to listen to just Psalms or Proverbs, and audio bible for children, tweens, teens, and various languages.

Visit their home page or click here for the reading today.

Try it out and let me know if you’re enjoying it!

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