Merry Christmas!

Isaiah 9:6 – And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Merry Christmas from the Knapp’s! 
This Christmas season we are thankful for the Lord’s many blessings in our lives! Our biggest news of the year is the addition of James to our family! James Kenneth Knapp was born on April 15th and is such a joy to us. We LOVE being a family of three and count it a privilege to be James’s   parents. The last 8 months have been full of excitement, adventure, and laughs! 
This past year we’ve stayed closer to home but have still been busy! Kenny enjoys his work at Young Life and we are so thankful for his job. In his spare time, he continues to revive the theater program at ECA, and helps with other shows here and there. 
Jessica is enjoying motherhood and loves her days with James at home. This fall she resumed teaching piano lessons and is still involved with women’s ministry at church and MOPS. 
We pray that this Christmas season finds you happy and healthy. We love you all and are thankful for your friendships!
Kenny, Jessica, and James