Trip to Nebraska

Those who know me well know that I have a difficult time allowing myself “fun” things during the day until all of my chores and tasks are complete.  Reading, watching TV, journaling, and now blogging, all seem to be dropped to the bottom of the list until the work is done.  My good friend, Lora, in addition to our family, has been patiently waiting for a new post, so here it is.  Lora is currently my blog accountability partner to insure that I continue with this new responsibility.  So, even though the house is a mess from breakfast and our morning playtime, I’m sitting down for something “fun”. 

This past weekend we traveled to Nebraska to see my parents and grandfather.  We had a wonderful time of catching up, eating great food, & playing cards.  James, of course, was the highlight of the trip as we watched him explore G’pa & G’ma’s house. 

Thanks Mom & Dad!

3 thoughts on “Trip to Nebraska

  1. Hey, Jessica! Looks like a fun trip! We missed you at the super bowl party. It is so fun to follow your blog! Yes, please keep posting! I’ve been horrible lately at keeping up with my blog!

  2. Hi Jessica! Sweet photos – your little guy is so cute! My mom shared your blog address from the Christmas letter – it will be fun to keep up with you this way!
    Monica (Carrie’s sister!)

  3. I LOVE IT! Great job Jess! Keep up the good work and keep posting those great pics. James is SO cute!

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