Happy Birthday, James!

Last week on April 15th we celebrated James’s first birthday!  We had a family birthday party complete with balloons, cupcakes, party hats, and gifts.  We had a wonderful time together!

We can hardly believe it’s been one year since we welcomed James into our family.  The past year has been full of excitement, joy, fatigue now and again, and plenty of prayers for wisdom.  After James was first home I remember telling numerous people that Kenny and I were just so thankful and privileged to be James’s parents.  The same is true today.  We acknowledge that our responsibility as parents is a very serious one, we’re supposed to train this little person in “the way he should go”, which is quite a daunting task.  Being a parent is also so much fun!  Every day is a new day, and every day James says or does something that makes my heart overflow with joy.  In the midst of the training and teaching him how to obey, these tender moments are what keep us going. 

James is a typical one year old little boy, full of curiousity and wonder.  He wants to try everything, see how everything works, and is just fearless.  At his 12 month check up yesterday, the Dr. said he was a happy, healthy little boy!  For this we praise God! 

James, we love you, sweet boy, and look forward to all that the coming year will bring!
Mama & Daddy

2 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, James!

  1. Somehow I missed that you have a blog! So great to catch up on pictures. I haven’t seen a picture of James since your Christmas card. He is adorable. Can’t wait to give him a hug!

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