Ode to Kenny

After much hard work, Kenny’s latest theater endeavor comes to fruition this weekend.  Since January he has been rehearsing with ECA students for their spring play, A Murder is Announced.  He is once again directing and producing on his own, with a little help behind the scenes from his wife.  Like the long list of shows he’s been a part of, this play, too, will be a huge success.  I just know. 

Theater has always been a big part of Kenny’s life.  When I met him almost 10 years ago (wow!), I knew instantly that theater was in his blood.  Kenny’s love for the stage developed during his high school years, although, I’ve been told that he’s been a ham in front of people since he was young.  Upon graduating from ECA, Kenny continued to pursue theater and landed roles in many community theater productions.  Along the way he also learned how to design, hang, and run lights for shows.  If he’s not on stage acting, he can usually be found in the light booth.  Over the years Kenny has also worked heavily with church theater and lately, with high school theater. 

Almost two years ago, Kenny decided that he’d like to focus his time on reviving the ECA theater program.  He still designed lights here and there for a few shows, but has spent most of his time working with high school students.  I think it’s really wonderful that he’s investing into the school he graduated from; the school where his love for theater began.  In the fall of 2008 he produced their first One-Act Play Festival and the response from students, parents, and administration was wonderful!  Since then, they have continued to perform each fall and spring, which brings us to their current production. 

With Kenny’s full-time job and side jobs for Knapp Technologies, you may wonder where he finds the time to direct plays.  Many have asked me about this, and I must admit that sometimes his schedule makes me a little crazy.  But…I love my husband, and my husband loves theater.  It really IS in his blood and he thrives on it.  His numerous hours behind the computer provide for his family, and he loves that work as well.  But, theater is his outlet; his way to escape into a different world every now and again.  

Kenny is very good at what he does; he works well with the students, knows the ins and outs of every detail of putting on a show, and produces quality work.  It makes me incredibly proud to be his wife and stand beside him during the run of a show.  So, I now find myself in the middle of production week, and honestly will be glad to get my husband back.  The week leading up to a show is quite busy as he goes right from work to the theater.  But, I’m also so excited to see the end result on Friday night.  I love you, babe!  It will be another great show! 

2 thoughts on “Ode to Kenny

  1. Would love to see those plays regularly. I’m sure that you were both very proud last night. Enjoy. Hug to James.

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