Surprise visit from Sheila!

A couple of weeks ago my sister surprised James and me for our birthdays!  It was wonderful!  Typically I LOVE surprises, but this one initially came with a dose of panic as well.  One morning Kenny left for work like he normally does and instead of heading to work, he drove to the airport to pick up Sheila.  They arrived back at the house, snuck in, and found James happily playing while I was getting dressed.  Who surprised who now?  After getting over the initial shock of noticing someone in the hall, I was so excited, surprised, and overwhelmed that the tears started.  What a great birthday gift! 

We spent Sheila’s few days here by relaxing at the house, throwing James’s birthday party, and, of course, shopping.  Those who know me well know that I absolutely hate to shop for new clothes, so Sheila is my personal shopping assistant.  Whenever she’s in town we head out to spend gift cards and birthday money, and she helps me look a little more put together, resisting the jeans, T-shirt, and tennis shoes look every day.

I love you, dear Sister, and am so thankful for our friendship!  Thanks for taking the time to come visit!