James is Walking!

So… James has been taking one or two steps at a time for a week or so now, but… yesterday he decided he’d had enough of that and started walking!  I mean, walking from one room to another, no messing around!  See the video for more (it’s short) – you can tell that mom’s pretty excited (we all are, really).  Way to go, James!

(Also, we have a new blog theme for spring/summer – you’re still in the right place even if it looks different.)

5 thoughts on “James is Walking!

  1. I can’t believe that he is walking before I have even met him! Way to go James! Looking forward to seeing you all soon. He’ll probaby be running laps around your yard by then.

  2. He’s already running laps!! You just hold onto 1 hand and he keeps walking around in a circle. Everytime he comes back around, he thinks people are playing “peek-a-boo” with him! He thinks he’s hilarious and, of course, he is!!

  3. Love you blog so much! Keep it up you are doing great. James is so cute!!!

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