James and coffee

No, James hasn’t started drinking coffee; I have.

I know, I know, many of you are shocked.  Over the past years I’ve enjoyed an occasional cup of decaf either on a Starbucks date or after dinner at a restaurant.  Kenny and I have never made coffee on a regular basis at the house.  In fact, when we have guests over for dinner and offer coffee afterwards, we usually ask one of them to make it.  We’re horrible at making coffee; we manage to mess it up every time.  Plus, I’ve always stayed away from coffee because even small amounts of caffeine really affect me.  One cup of regular coffee makes me shaky and a little dizzy. 

However, over the past months, we have been up with James quite a bit in the night, and therefore, I now drink coffee.  Only decaf, though, and only one cup.  That’s all I can handle right now.  I’ll have to ease into the caffeine.  (Try to muffle your laughter.)  🙂   I’ve always loved the smell and taste of coffee, but have just preferred tea or other warm drinks that were caffeine free. 

Some of you know that James has had a rough time of teething over the past year.  Most of his teeth came in early; he had 16 teeth by the age of 15 months.  Some came in with no problem, and others caused much pain and sleepless nights.  Over the last several months, he’s been working on his 2 year molars, so we have 4 teeth to go!  These last four have been really rough and all three of us have lost quite a bit of sleep over them. 

This past week, James was up in the night a TON and was in serious pain.  We again assumed it was his teeth, but after a few days, and a trip to the doctor, we found out he had a double ear infection!  More pain, but not teeth this time.  Poor guy. 

So, all of this to say, mom is now a coffee drinker.  I must say that in some strange way I finally feel like a “grown-up” now.  Adults drink coffee; kids drink juice, hot cocoa, etc.  Age 33 and I finally joined the “grown-up” ranks of coffee drinkers. 

I’m not drinking it to avoid my naps and get more done, like many of you are thinking.  I’m drinking it to help me make it to 1:00 pm when I can lay down during James’s nap.  Since James slept through the night at such a young age, I guess we deserve a few sleepless nights now.  We’re still praying for the blessing of sleep, though, and mostly that James’s teeth would come quickly!

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