Book Club


Many of you know that I am part of a book club; I joined  9-10 years ago, shortly after I moved here.  So, I thought it was time to blog about it!

Over the years we have read many, many books that I probably otherwise would not have read on my own.  I love that!  In the early days, we decided that we would read primarily fiction because most of us were already reading plenty of non-fiction on our own.  So, for the most part we have kept that tradition.  We meet monthly and try to read a new book every month.  Occasionally we will take two months to finish a book. 

Some months there are members who don’t even start the book because of the craziness of life, and that is okay.  One member in particular, Gretchen, who is the only founding member left in the group, reads several other books during the month in addition to the one we have chosen as a group.  (We all read at different speeds.)  🙂  Each month we try to have some real discussion about what we have read; some months there is more catching up & chitchat than book discussion.  We joke that reading a book is just an excuse to get together and chat. 

Another important point about this book club is that we all REALLY enjoy being together!  We attend whether we have read or not simply because we enjoy each other’s company and fellowship.  Some of us are young moms and LOVE the chance to get out alone with ‘The girls’.  Some of us have been friends for years, and some are new to the group. 

Our meetings have changed over the years, too.  For a while, we would make real elaborate meals together.  If our book were set in Italy, we would find delicious Italian recipes, divide up the ingredients, cook together, and enjoy a wonderful meal.  Other times we would meet at Panera for breakfast on Saturday morning, or just have a dessert evening.  Whatever the setting, there is always good food, and great fun. 

Last month for Christmas, we had a wine and cheese night with lots of other delicious snacks too.  And, we FINALLY got a few pictures of us to prove we actually do meet together.  🙂 

I enjoy this book club so much and look forward to it every month.  Dear ladies, I love you all and count it a blessing to know you!

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