Brunch with high-school friends


In December, we got together with some of Kenny’s high-school friends for a morning brunch.  It is remarkable to me that this group of friends makes it a priority to keep in touch with each other.  I married into this circle of people and count it a blessing to know each of them!

Carrie is the faithful party planner in the group.  Whenever she is in town, she emails well in advance to plan when everyone can meet.  In the early days when there were no kids, :), we met at Jose’s for great Mexican food.  Now, a morning brunch with kids in tow seemed to work best. 

Thanks, Carrie, for planning another great time together!  And, thanks to Brandon for some great photos! 

It was great to see you all! 

2 thoughts on “Brunch with high-school friends

  1. oh…the Bear sweater! 🙂 Matthew wore that when he got his pic with Santa one year. i loved it. James looks adorable 🙂

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