Hello 2011!

Happy New Year!  There is something so refreshing about the start of a new year.  The craziness and fun of Christmas is past and now it’s time to not only reflect back on the previous year, but start making plans for the new one. 

The first week of January is always busy in our house.  Even though I LOVE decorating the house for Christmas, I also REALLY love putting everything away, cleaning, and having a fresh start.  We have quite a few Christmas decorations even though every year I try to pare down a little.  For some reason the house often feels cluttered during December.  Not only is there the addition of the tree and other decorations, but also new toys, boxes, and remnants from fun Christmas times strewn through the house.  My neat, orderly self really loves to clean all of this out and have a clutter-free house as we dive into a new year. 

I’m not one to make New Year’s resolutions; I don’t think I’ve ever managed to keep one over the years.  So, now I tend to just think of the year as a whole and decide what would I like to add to my life and what needs to be done away with.  

One thing I’d like to add is allowing myself time to practice piano on a regular basis.  This is tricky since my little boy also loves to play.  When the piano is open, he thinks it’s his turn, so we need to work on a solution for this.  I miss playing regularly and want desperately to maintain the skills I have.  For those brief times of practice, life is put on hold, and I disappear into another world.  At least that’s how my practice time used to be.  🙂  Now it’s about trying to play around James and his little fingers. 

I’m also going to be more intentional & consistent about being in the Word.  I’m blessed to be in a mentoring group with some wonderful ladies and a fabulous mentor, Shelly.  I LOVE that we have homework for our meetings which gives me more focused time studying.  However, my daily Scripture reading sometimes gets pushed to the side.  I’m planning to find one nugget of Scripture each day, and then keep my bible open on the kitchen table, so that during the day when I pass by I’m drawn to reading that passage again.  Shelly also suggested stashing a favorite prayer book, 31 Days of Praise, in the bathroom to read when I have a few moments to myself.  By the end of 2011, I want to know God more and that will only happen by being immersed into His Word. 

In addition to these two areas of improvement, I’m hoping to “do away” with something too.  I constantly struggle with getting things done versus real, focused playtime with James.  So, I’d like to “do away” with the feelings of guilt when I don’t accomplish much in a day.  I might not accomplish what’s on the to-do list, but I definitely want to accomplish quality time with my son.  That is much more important.  We do play together every day, but I’d like it to be more.  I’d like to be more intentional with my time with him.  He is a sponge right now, learning so many new things, and I’d like to take advantage of that. 

(I’m also hoping to continue blogging regularly, so be looking for more updates soon!)

So, when 2011 comes to a close, I’m hoping to look back and see that I’ve grown in these areas.  Life may not look exactly like I want it to in 12 months, but at least I hope to make an effort in this direction.  God’s grace is big and will cover even my small attempts at making my life more full and meaningful.  God takes our desire to change and our small attempts at taking steps to get there, and molds us into something beautiful.  Isn’t that wonderful? 

Evaluating our days and making changes is what life’s all about.  What dreams and ideas do you have for 2011?