Movie Night

Kenny and I LOVE to watch movies.  Before James came along one of our favorite things to do was see a movie in the theater.  We love the big screen, popcorn, cherry coke – all of it.  However, once James was born, our movie going dwindled quite a bit, which we were fine with.  Our priorities changed and now staying in became more fun.  Actually, over the past few years we found ourselves complaining about how loud it was in the theater, how many people were texting or answering phone calls during the movie, etc.  (I think we’re getting old.)  🙂 

So, we’ve taken advantage of the fact that we have a nice TV at home and we’re renting more and more movies and staying in.  We still dim the lights, make popcorn, and have soda, but WE control the volume now and there are no teenagers sitting next to us texting.  🙂  Plus, snuggling during the movie is quite a bit easier at home than at the theater. 

So, a few weeks ago we decided to let James join in on movie night.  We watched a Charlie Brown New Year’s special and James loved it. 



Kenny and I enjoy a movie out every once in awhile, but we’re still thankful for our ‘home theater’ in the meantime where James can join in the fun.