New Year’s festivities


After Christmas, my sister, Sheila, came to stay with us for a little while.  Over the years she has frequently been here between Christmas & New Years, and we often pray in advance that she’ll be snowed in and be able to stay longer.  We LOVE our times together and wish we lived closer. 

On December 31st, we left James with our dear friend, Corrie and her girls, and Kenny, Sheila and I headed to the mountains.  This was the first time we’d left James overnight and he did great!  I had a few tears on the way out of town, but overall, we all survived.  🙂 

We drove to Georgetown, CO, checked into our hotel, freshened up, and then drove to Silverthorne for dinner.  We had a great time, but because of weather, we headed back to our hotel room to ring in the New Year.  CO was hit with a snowstorm the day before and the wind chill was -30 degrees in the mountains.  Yikes!  So, instead of enjoying festivities with other ski bums, we watched Jaws and drank champagne in our hotel room.  🙂  In fact, we missed the start of 2011 because our movie ran until 12:05 and we all missed it.  So, at 12:05 am we toasted each other and went to bed. 

The next day, Kenny and Sheila skied at Loveland while I enjoyed a relaxing morning in the lodge.  I drank hot chocolate, wrote in my journal, read…it was great.  Around mid-afternoon, we decided to leave; the snow had started again and the temps on the slopes were VERY cold.  We drove back, stopped at Krispy Kreme in Denver for doughnuts, and headed to pick up James. 

We had a great time and were so glad we went!

In addition to our ski trip, we had a few days with Sheila to relax and enjoy each other’s company!  We took in a movie by ourselves, went shopping, had lazy mornings at the house, and all went out for Sushi before she left. 

Thanks for another great visit, Sheila!  We love you!