James and his blocks

James has started to REALLY enjoy block building! 

He recived this bag of mega blocks last year for his first birthday, and until last month, he was content to let us build the tower and then he would knock it down.  And to be honest, his biggest thrill was simply dumping the blocks out of the bag.  He gets a big smile, says “Oh no!”, and dumps the bag.  🙂 

But last month, he started building more with the blocks.  He formed these great towers that were pretty impressive. 



Already I see that James’s brain works differently than mine.  🙂  Maybe it’s because he’s a boy and I’m not, or maybe it’s because he will have his Daddy’s creative & engineering mind.  Either way, we build towers differently.  I make one solid structure straight up into the air.  James builds not only vertically, but also horizontally.  He hangs blocks off the edges of his tower and finds very creative places to add blocks.  He is sometimes quite focused and serious while building, and always knows exactly what he wants to do.  If you try to suggest something else, he’ll say “no, right here” and proceed to create his masterpiece HIS way.   

Last week as Kenny was heading to rehearsal, James was just getting out the blocks.  So, he built his creation, we took some pictures, and left it up for Dad to see in the morning.  James was pretty proud of his work and so were we! 


One thought on “James and his blocks

  1. WOW…James is soooo creative! Tell him Grandma loves his tower, too! I think I could take lessons from him on tower building! Thanks for the great post!

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