Update on Spring Cleaning & Organizing

 Exactly one month ago I wrote this post about a book I’d read that inspired me to spring clean and organize.  Well, I have finished the main level of our house!  Woo-hoo! 

I didn’t plan to finish in 4 weeks; it just worked out that way.  I cleaned when it worked with our schedule and didn’t cancel events or appointments just to work on this project.  So, by breaking it up into many, many SMALL jobs, it was very do-able.  And now I can say that every room, drawer, closet, & cupboard has been emptied, de-cluttered, cleaned, and re-organized with only those things that we find to be useful, beautiful, or meaningful.  It feels great! 

James is helping right alongside me most of the time.  There are some tasks I’ve saved for his naptime, but for the most part, he is helping.  Sometimes it frustrates me that tasks take twice as long with him around, but then I notice how much he’s learning and I’m grateful for the opportunity.  He’s learning how to take care of our belongings, how to share with others by passing on items we no longer use, and how to clean.  He loves to help dust, sweep, & vacuum; his best friend right now is the dust buster.  🙂 

So, next week I plan to tackle the basement.  It is a complete wreck right now with piles everywhere of things to donate.  But, for now, I plan to take a few days to relax, enjoy my parents’ visit this weekend, and allow a few days for my hands to heal.  I’ve been in water so much with cleaning that my hands are very rough and dry.  Six of my 10 fingertips have cracked open and are pretty sore.  Yikes!  Maybe too much cleaning.   

So, is anyone else out there cleaning and organizing with me?  If so, leave a comment so we can encourage each other along the way. 

Stay tuned for Update #2 when the basement is finished!