Coming up for Air!

Well, we’re still around in case anyone was wondering.  It looks like five months have passed since my last post and I guess it’s about time to fill you in on what’s been happening!  The summer months still felt like survival mode for me; caring for James and the household while pregnant was sometimes difficult, and still is actually.  This pregnancy has definitely flown by with little time to sit around and think about it like I did the first time.  It IS still a privilege, though, and in the midst of very long days, God gently reminds of that.

Most of the spring and summer Kenny and I had been praying about what to do with our house.  It is located on a busy street and isn’t layed out great for a growing family.  We could make it work if we needed too, but moving before a new baby seemed ideal if it worked out.  We have loved living in our house and will miss certain things about it; it was perfect as newlyweds, but it’s time for something different.

So, we kept waiting to hear what God would say about it and it wasn’t until late July that we finally felt Him saying, “Go for it!”  We hired realtors and spent the whole month of August making improvements and repairs to our current house.  From new exterior paint & landscaping, to ripping up carpet to expose hardwood floors underneath, to new doorknobs & light fixtures, to filling a storage unit with some of our belongings, our house was finally ready to put on the market.

September 2nd the house was listed and we began looking for another.  It’s been quite a challenge having our house on the market while pregnant and living with a toddler.  Every time we leave the house it has to be “show-ready” which makes for lots of cleaning and picking up.  We spent several weeks looking at houses, made an offer, and by the end of the month had a contract on a new house.

October has been a little more relaxed since all of the work on our house was finished and we had already found another one.  We continue to have showings on our house, but it still has not sold.  We’re still praying for a buyer, though!  The only drawback has been that our closing date for the new house is November 1st and Baby Girl Knapp is due November 18th.  The timing of everything isn’t great, but we look at it as just another opportunity to trust God.  He has it all worked out and hopefully the baby will come after we’re moved.

So, we have about another week of enjoying this house and then we’ll move on November 5th.  Life has definitely been interesting, exciting, stressful, and full of trusting God since July, and we’re looking forward to having some quiet holidays at home over the next few months.

I probably won’t post again until after the baby is born, but wanted to at least catch some of you up on what’s been happening here.  Take care!

2 thoughts on “Coming up for Air!

  1. Oh, wow, Jess! You’ll have to email me where your new house is located!

    I’m so glad you wrote–I’ve been wondering how you’re doing. And I’m due exactly 5 months behind you! I have another friend due Nov 18, too–neat!

    Hope your move goes well, and can’t wait to hear more about the house and your BABY GIRL!

  2. Hi Carrie!

    Thanks for your comment!

    And, congratulations on expecting #3! How exciting! We’re very happy for you and Eric.

    We’ll definitely try to keep you updated on the house and new baby; if not here, in an email or facebook.

    Take care!

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