Time alone

Today I have a few minutes to myself.  Aahh.  Heaven.  I love my children dearly but every once in awhile I need some time to myself.  I am an introvert at heart and sometimes desperately need to be alone. 

So, while Anna is still sleeping, I send James to the backyard so he can have some alone time too.  Even though I long for ‘me’ time, I cannot help but peek out the window to see what he’s doing.  After all, he is young and still needs a little supervision.  From the living room, I watch him happily pouring sand in the sand box.  I watch him push his plastic shopping cart around the yard.  I watch him wander over to daddy’s box of wood and sticks for the fire pit and begin looking through and examining each twig.  I watch him gathering leaves on the deck.  The smile on his face tells me he is loving his alone time too. 

When the toddler years are gone, I want to remember these days where he is a happy (most of the time), curious little two-year old boy.  The days where he is SO cute in his hooded jacket and Velcro tennis shoes.  Watching James plod through the yard today makes me so very thankful for him. 

I go out to tell him that in 10 minutes I will call him in when Anna gets up.  He replies, “Okay, Mom.  I will be happy when you call me in.”  Oh my goodness.  Did he really just say he would be happy instead of throwing a tantrum or whining about coming in?  Thank you, Lord, for this sweet boy! 

I go back inside and before we even have a chance to see if his happy spirit continues, I hear crying, screaming, and “Mom!” coming from outside.  James has slipped and scraped his knee, and with lots of tears says he wants to come inside.  After his knee is cleaned up and he is settled inside, I get Anna up for her next feeding and our day continues. 

While it was short, our “alone” time was really a gift today.  Not only am I a happier, calmer mama after some “me” time, but James is also a happier, pleasant little boy when he has time alone too.  Thank you, Lord, for this sweet time today.  Help me to remember that we all need time alone with you and our thoughts once in awhile.  Help me to be sensitive to this need in my children and myself. 

*The photo was taken last fall, but shows the happy, curious little boy I describe.  🙂