Happy New Year from the Knapps!

(Our New Year letter we sent out last month)

While we are late in saying “Merry  Christmas”, we still wanted to take the opportunity to send our hello, so “Happy New Year”!

2011 proved to be quite a busy year for us! 

January—Rang in the New Year in the mountains of CO
March—Discovered we were pregnant again!
April—James turned 2 and Kenny produced & directed A Midsummer Night’s Dream with ECA
July—Started house improvements in the hopes of selling
September—Put our house on the market
October—Found and bought another house
November—Moved to our new house and welcomed Anna Lucile on November 21st
December—Became landlords and rented out our old house 

As we begin a new year we are so very grateful for where the Lord has taken us this past year.  It’s been an exciting journey and we are thankful for His guidance and provision.  We love you all and are thankful for your friendships!

Kenny, Jessica, James, and Anna