James’s treasures

James LOVES to carry around little “treasures”.  From coins and paperclips to his favorite toys.  He always has something in his hand or pocket and I find these things everywhere.  We’re constantly picking up a random assortment of what appears to be junk, but to him is very valuable.  The other night I gathered what I could and took a picture just to document this phase of his.  Too cute.  Baby Jesus from the “Little People Nativity” is what really cracks me up.  I’ve tried to put that away twice since Christmas and we had many, many tears.  So, the nativity is now in James’s room and may be there until next Christmas.  I found James a little basket for his treasures and it now sits in the window seat for easy access.  🙂

One thought on “James’s treasures

  1. Every guy should have his own little treasures! And am pretty sure it might be nice to have your own baby “Gee-jus” nearby when you need Him. Now, if it gets to where these “treasures” are alive, please let Gramma know ahead of time ;)!

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