Painting with Shaving Cream

Yesterday I finally followed through with an idea I had heard about months ago.  Letting your kids paint with shaving cream on the table!  This was a perfect activity for a busy toddler with cabin fever on a cold, winter day.  James absolutely LOVED it!  He thanked me numerous times for letting him do this.  And, when I asked him what it felt like, he said, “It feels funny, and squishy, and schloonky!”  (James loves to make up words.)  🙂 


One thought on “Painting with Shaving Cream

  1. He has always said “Schloonky” for stuff and we’ve never figured that one out!! What a hoot this is!!! And if he can say “Come see the satellite, Gramma”, he can say “masterpiece”…and it is!!! Once it’s a “go” for this kid, there’s no turning back. We love him so!! (And that little gal in pink is pretty special too!)

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