Break a leg, sweetheart!

Tonight is Kenny’s final show with ECA: The Importance of Being Earnest.  I attended last night and it was simply amazing.  Kenny acted in this same play by Oscar Wilde when he was in high school at ECA, so it is fitting that this is his last show.

This production has been a little more challenging for me being home with the kids while Kenny is in rehearsals, but he has done a wonderful job of scheduling rehearsals when it was most convenient for the kids and me.  After school, during naptime on Saturdays, and for the past several weeks, we’ve been holding some rehearsals at our house in the evenings, which has been great.  Kenny has helped get the kids ready for bed, James stays up to say ‘hi’ to the students and watch them work a little, and then he’s off to bed.  It has helped James feel a part of the show as well.

For four years, Kenny has been hard at work with high school students at ECA.  He has produced two shows every year with them and has done a remarkable job as director and producer.  The kids and parents have thoroughly enjoyed each production and they will be sad to see him go.  We are still praying for someone to step up and take over the program so that the students can continue to have this creative outlet.  Kenny has invested much and it will be sad for him to be finished.  We’re all excited to have Daddy home more now, but I know he has really loved this journey.

There will be theatre around our house again sometime; it is one of Kenny’s loves so it will be back for sure.  But for now, he wants to spend more time with his family, which I think is wonderful.  Feel free to re-read a blog post from 2010, Ode to Kenny, that explains quite a bit more about how much my dear husband loves the stage.  🙂

I love you, Kenny, and am so proud of you!

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