Kids say the darndest things!

The following are some of James’s recent sayings and playtime activities.  I wanted to post them here simply so we have a record of them later.  Maybe you will find them amusing too.  🙂


“What in the world?”


“I can’t believe that!”


While playing with Kenny, James described the rules to the game:  “You throw the football in the hoop and get two points!  Then, you run the bases!”  James is REALLY interested in all kinds of sports, so we’ve been describing and playing football, basketball, and baseball lately.  I guess he decided to combine them into one new sport!


After being tucked in one night James said, “Mom, I need you to sing to me so I don’t cry.”
“OK, what do you want me to sing?”
“Amazing Grace.”
After I sang Amazing Grace, his reply was “Thank you, mom.  Now I can sleep.”  Aww.  🙂


James has a basket full of stuffed animals in his room and he lovingly calls them his “buddies”.  One day during rest time, he called me up to see his swimming pool located right beside the basket.  He said the faucet was attached to the basket and was filling up the pool.  All of the stuffed animals were full of mud, he informed me, and needed washed off.  He said he was going to swim with his buddies so they wouldn’t get scared in the water.  What an imagination!


Yesterday James and I played “church”.  He lined up his buddies and told them to be quiet.  He found a book from the bookshelf for the hymnal and we sang together – Amazing Grace, Jesus Loves Me, and of course, the ABC song.  Then he told me I could be the pastor and talk.  So, I gave a little sermon to my almost 3 year old.  🙂  Then James wanted to be the pastor so he staretd preaching.  He paced the living room floor while talking and was quite animated.  Hands waving in the air and everything!


While driving in the car one day, James said, “When I was a little man I will drive a very loud race car.”
“When you were a little man?” I replied.
“No, when I am a big man.  Like Daddy.  I will drive a loud car.  A very fast, loud car.”
“Wow, that sounds exciting!” I said.
“I can make you a loud car too, mom!”


We have a window seat in our house, which is a wonderful spot for James to play.  Over the few months we’ve lived in this house, he has come up with numerous different ideas for this space.  Today it was his truck.  On the seat, he had collected a pillow for the driver’s seat, and in the back end, he was carrying a basket of gloves and scarves, a basket of balls, library books, and his little basket of treasures.  (We use a lot of baskets in our house.)  Last week that same window seat was his nest and he was pretending to be a mama bird.  He had a group of his buddies (stuffed animals) there who he said were baby birds.  He proceeded to fly around the house, flapping his wings, making bird noises while trying to find food for the baby birds.  Once he “flew” up to me and I jokingly, but sternly, said, “You get back in your nest, mama bird!”  James laughed and laughed, and then flew back to his nest.  The next 20 minutes were spent repeating that line over and over while he continued to fly around the house and back to his nest.  Back in September of last year when we first looked at this house while house hunting, I remember thinking to myself that the window seat would be a great place for James to play.  🙂

I am continually amazed at the imagination our little boy has!  James, we love you and hope you continue to play and pretend!

One thought on “Kids say the darndest things!

  1. Two of my personal favorites –

    “WE have a SUPER BIG PROBLEM!” and “I have a SUPER idea!!!”

    I know these stem from a tv show he likes, but it still cracks me up when he says them. 🙂 haha

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