An episode of Hee Haw

Some days it feels like we’re in the middle of a Hee Haw episode.  The comments, stories, and jokes that James comes up with are hilarious.  So, I wanted to share them here for your enjoyment too.

His latest joke:

James: Knock-knock
Mom:  Who’s there?
J: Apple Crisp
M: Apple crisp who?
J: Apple crisp Dad!

(Laughing and knee-slapping from James, Mom, and Dad.)

James: Knock-knock
Dad: Who’s there?
J: Bunny rabbit
D: Bunny rabbit who?
J: Bunny rabbit Anna!

(More laughing.)  The funniest part is that when James says “knock-knock” he actually takes his fist and pretends to knock on a door.

Kenny taught James this joke…

Q: What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence?
A: Time to get a new fence!

…but James continues to tell the whole thing at once.
J: What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence time to get a new fence!
Then he starts laughing and you’re left wondering what just happened.

On the more serious side, James makes observations that seem beyond his years.  The other day he told me that Daddy’s job was super important.  That Daddy goes to work so we can have our house and food.  Even though he misses Kenny every day, James is starting to understand how to be thankful for daddy’s job.

And, more importantly, one day after James had a time out, he told Kenny that he asked Jesus to help him be obedient.  Praise God!  The things we’re trying to teach him ARE taking root.

We love you, James, and are excited to see your sense of humor and understanding develop!


2 thoughts on “An episode of Hee Haw

  1. I love when he laughs at his own hilarity!! It’s just beginning!! Love that boy!

  2. James is such a fun little boy…we so enjoy all the stories of his ways and words! He is growing up so fast and your posts allow us to feel more a part of all that! Thanks so much for taking time to blog about him!

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