Happy Birthday, James!

Several weeks ago, we celebrated James’s third birthday!  I can’t believe he’s three already!  We had a very fun and full day…after church we headed to brunch to find James some pancakes.  (He’s just like Mommy who LOVES pancakes and can eat them at any time of day.)  In the afternoon, we had a family birthday party, which was great.  James requested Taco Soup, chips, fruit, and chocolate cake, so that’s what we had!

The night before, Kenny and I decorated the dining room and James’s bedroom door for the big day.  When James woke up the next morning, he ran into our room and said, “Someone put these things on my door and I want to take them down!”  Oops.  We thought he’d love streamers to run through, but I guess they were a little scary first thing in the morning.  Every time I suggested we take them down, though, James wanted to leave them up.  I guess they grew on him a little.

James, you are a gift from God and we love you so very much!  You are a very happy little boy and always full of fun things to say that make us laugh.  You love your guys – Mr. Bear, bunny, and your soft blanket.  You love cars, airplanes, fire trucks, garbage trucks, boats…pretty much anything that moves.  You love to run through the house pretending to be a pilot or firefighter driving the fire truck.  You love to be outside and would probably eat and sleep out there if we let you.  You love your baby sister and are such a sweet big brother to her.

You are learning so many new things every day!  You can sing the ABC songJesus Loves MeHoly, Holy, Holy, and the Happy Song.  You are counting like a pro and are learning to draw shapes.  You dress yourself every morning, make your bed, and brush your teeth!

You are learning more and more about Jesus, too.  You understand how he was born as a baby and died on the cross for our sins.  This past Christmas and Easter were exciting to see you learning these important truths about our Savior.  You are very curious about communion at church and love to pretend to have communion at home.  You hop up on the piano bench to play and say that we are having communion now.  You are learning more and more about prayer, and often pray aloud at dinner and bedtime, or throughout the day when we want to talk to Jesus.

You always offer to help and usually want to be where mom and dad are.  We love having you help with things!  You help mom with cooking and laundry, you help Anna by singing to her when she’s fussy and getting her a toy, and you help Dad in the garage and in the yard.  You love to help rake leaves or sweep in the garage.  You also LOVE tools and will work right alongside Dad when he’s fixing something.

Sweet, little James, we love you!  Happy Birthday!


One thought on “Happy Birthday, James!

  1. Is Image 7 with him looking off to side plotting his next move SO James?! Sweet, crafty little thing!! Thank you for posting! It was such a fun day!! I’ve never had those capsules that turn into animals when you get them wet — might have to try those out!!

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