Baby birds

Several weeks ago, we noticed a bird’s nest in the wreath on our front door.  We showed it to James and talked to him about how birds build homes.  Kenny and I made a mental note to move it and then promptly forgot about it.  Since we come and go through the garage door, it was sort of out of sight, out of mind.

Then one day we noticed three cute little eggs in the nest.  Now we couldn’t move it and were committed to let our wreath be the first home for some new baby birds.

Daily we’ve been watching the mama bird through the peephole on the front door.  It is a great view!  She is there most of the day and will occasionally leave the nest for food, or when someone knocks on our front door.

Then one day we noticed four eggs in the nest!  And, the very next day there were five!  I’m not sure six will fit in this tiny little nest!

James is completely fascinated by our nest of eggs and is anxiously awaiting the day they hatch.  We’ve had more bird conversations than I can count.  We’ve watched videos online of baby birds hatching in the nest, growing up with the mama, and then taking their first flight.  We’ve looked at different pictures of birds trying to decide what kind of bird we have.  Basically, the bird’s nest has completely taken over our lives.  Not really, but some days it feels like it.  I’ve gotten so tired of holding James up to the peephole, that today I found a stool the perfect height so he can go investigate any time he feels like it.

Really, this whole process has been very interesting and we’re learning quite a bit!  Watch for future posts when the eggs hatch!

(Look close to see the mama bird sitting in the nest.)