Playtime is Valuable Time

I Took His Hand and Followed…

My dishes went unwashed today,
I didn’t make the bed,
I took his hand and followed
Where his eager footsteps led.
Oh yes, we went adventuring,
My little son and I,
Exploring all the great outdoors
Beneath the summer sky.
We waded in a crystal stream,
We wandered through a wood,
My kitchen wasn’t swept today,
But life was sweet and good.
We found a cool sun-dappled glade
And now my small son knows
How Mother Bunny hides her nest
Where fern and larkspur grow.
We watched a robin feed her young,
We climbed a sunlit hill,
Saw cloud-sheep scamper through the sky;
We plucked a daffodil.
That my house was neglected,
That I didn’t sweep the stair,
In twenty years no one on earth
Will know or even care.
But that I’ve helped a little boy
To noble manhood grow,
In twenty years the whole wide world
May look and see and know.



This poem speaks volumes to me.  One of my greatest struggles is letting go of my to-do list and simply “being” with my kids.  REALLY being with them and actively playing.  Kenny and I have a busy weekend ahead helping with a friend’s wedding, so the kids will be with sitters quite a bit.  So, today we’re just playing!

Here are some highlights from our day:
* James performed a piano concert for Anna and I, which in turn brought some lovely birds to our window who joined in the singing.
* We colored, played with legos, and colored some more.
* We sang and danced to our favorite CD’s.
* And, the activity that won the most points was building a fort.  Of course.  Building forts is always the most fun.  We played in there, ate lunch inside, and James is currently having rest time in the fort.  Who knew a bed sheet and clothespins could be so much fun!


3 thoughts on “Playtime is Valuable Time

  1. That fort was the coolest!!! And look at BOTH the kids getting to enjoy it — Gramma too!! Am so glad he got to spend quiet time in there — he was so excited!!

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