Casa Bonita

Last weekend we made the trip to Casa Bonita in Denver.  This fun-filled Mexican restaurant has everything:  cliff divers,  Mariachi band, puppet show, gift shop, and an arcade.  The food is mediocre, but you really go for the fun atmosphere, not the food.  Kenny has fond memories of this restaurant growing up and wanted to take James this summer.  And, we were glad some family could join us!  (Kristine, I used some of your awesome photos!  Thank you!)  James had a good time even though it was a little over stimulating for a three year old.  The super cool light saber was definitely his favorite part!

3 thoughts on “Casa Bonita

  1. What a fun place! Monica and her kids went there last weekend, too!

    Glad you’re having a nice summer.

  2. Hey James, I think your light saber is SO COOL. I’ll have to ask Uncle Steve to get me one! XXXX A. Jenny

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