Ode to Uncle Martin

After rest time yesterday, James had his little wagon all set up with various things, ready to bring downstairs.  He told me he was a nurse and he was going to help me feel better.  (I didn’t know I was sick, but oh well.)

He had me sit in the chair and then asked me what hurt.  I told him my head (playing along), and he picked up one of his little barrels, opened it up, took out some medicine, and applied it to my head with a drumstick.  “Do you feel better now?” he asked.

Then he had me lean forward to look at my back.  He said that he saw some blood on my back, so he put a bandaid on the hole so it would feel better.  Yikes!  You’d think we let him watch medical dramas on TV.

I told James that Uncle Martin was a nurse who works with all kinds of people who may not feel well.  James replied, “Maybe Uncle Martin could get a wagon full of things to help people too!” 🙂

We love you, Uncle Martin, and can’t wait to meet you in person!  “Cheers” to helping people feel better!

3 thoughts on “Ode to Uncle Martin

  1. hey knapps, its martin here. thanks so much for this, I loved reading it! its a great priviledge to be able to help people to feel better, although I have to say I don’t have a wagon to help me do this, maybe this is something I could look at getting for the future. Good job looking after mummy James, thats great! I can’t wait to meet you all in person too, hopefully it wont be too far away! Thanks again for this, and happy july 4th, loads of love, martin

  2. Thanks for the message, Martin (and Sheila, too)! Praying your last few weeks of “learning how to make people feel better” go well!

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