Precious Moments


Over the past weeks, some sweet and funny things have happened with the kids and I want to make sure we remember them.

One Saturday while Kenny and James were home alone, a political pollster came knocking on the door passing out Mitt Romney fliers.  After he left, James asked whom the man on the flier was, so Mitt Romney’s name was mentioned again.  The following day after church, we asked James what kind of sandwiches sounded good for lunch, and he replied, “Um, maybe Mitt Romney.”  So funny.

Some of James’s recent phrases:
“You sly dog.”
“Hark! the Herald nation ceiling.” (Hark! the Herald Angels Sing)
“You’re not following the dructions (directions/instructions), Mom.  Here, let me show you.”
“Yes, I know, Mudder (Mother)”

While putting Anna down for a nap the other day, she grabbed my shirt, buried her head into my shoulder, and hung on tight.  We stood and rocked, snuggling together for quite awhile.  Thank you, Lord for this sweet moment with my precious daughter.  Then, we were rudely brought back to reality when big brother yelled from downstairs, “Mo-om, are you COMING?”

Today while I was ironing, James was looking at some family pictures in the guest room.  He started naming aunts and uncles, grandparents, and great-grandparents.  He didn’t recognize Great Grandpa Goodwater who passed away before he was born, so James wanted to know who he was.  I told him and said that he died and was living in heaven with Jesus.  James let that sink in a minute and was silent.  I could sense we were going to have a discussion about all of this and prayed for wisdom as I responded to my son’s thoughtful questions.  “How did he get to heaven?” James asked.  I continued by telling him that when you know Jesus in your heart you live forever with Him in heaven after you die on the earth.  Again, silence, and a very furrowed brow.  “But I want to live with YOU when I die,” James said.  Fighting back tears, I tried to explain to his three-year old mind that we would see each other again in heaven after we die.  James looked satisfied with that answer, smiled, and went on playing with his farm animals on the bed.  Wow.  When I woke up this morning, I did not expect to have this kind of discussion with my toddler.  I LOVE that he’s thinking about these things and trying to understand them.  Lord, give me words that reflect You and your love for us when talking with my children.  Give me wisdom to answer them in a truthful, godly manner that makes them want to know more about You.

3 thoughts on “Precious Moments

  1. Precious. So glad you are writing these things down. Many of the most precious moments of life come in the mundane if we just slow down enough to notice them.

  2. Fighting back the tears with James’ precious conversation about heaven. What a great heart!

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