Summer Vacation 2012

In July, we went to Mom & Dad’s for a week and had a GREAT time!

Our first road trip pics came when James needed to use the restroom and we were nowhere near a bathroom.  So, we stopped along the road right at the state line.  RIGHT at  the state line – you can see the sign just beside the car.  All these years of traveling between CO & NE and I’ve never stopped to get a picture of the sign.  At least I have a pic of the back of it now.

One of the highlights of our trip was spending some time at Lake McConaughy.  The kids LOVED it!  I grew up swimming, boating, and playing at Big Mac so it was really special to have Kenny and the kids enjoy it now too.

We spent part of a day in North Platte at Bailey Yard and Cody Go-Carts.  Kenny’s highlight that day was obviously the trains, but James and I agreed that getting Pa all wet in the bumper boats was the best part.

Since it was so hot, we HAD to have a water gun fight!

And, James enjoyed a fun game of “Go Fish” with Grandma.

James had a blast at the shop, spending time with Pa and working in the garden.

We planned our trip to coincide while my aunt and uncle, Bonnie & Mike, were there too.  It was so nice to visit with them and spend some time together.  Last summer when we saw them at Mom & Dad’s Bonnie brought along a little painting project to do with James, and this summer she did the same. James painted a piece of concrete edging for mom and me to put in the garden somewhere.  So fun!  James had a great time.  And, he tried sewing with Aunt Bonnie, too.  Thanks, Bonnie & Mike, for spending the week with us!

When we visit Mom & Dad, we ALWAYS play cards.  This is one of the things I love about our family.  We grew up playing Pitch & Euchre with each other and extended family, and now every time we get together its just tradition.  We all enjoy it and I hope we can continue to do this with our kids.  We just need to find more friends that play cards in CO!

My grandfather will turn 89 next month and he continues to be very sharp playing cards.  It is such a treat to play with him.

More pictures from the week…

Thanks, Mom & Dad, for a great vacation!  We appreciate all you did to make our time wonderful.  We love you!