Fall is here!

This week we have had fun enjoying fall.  The weather is definitely cooler and is such a nice change.  We’ve decorated the house for fall, made our first batch of banana bread, and have gone on several walks to collect leaves.  Celebrating the changing of seasons and holidays is so much more fun with kids.  I admit that in the beginning it felt like a hassle because everything took twice as long when James helped.  However, his excitement makes it all worth it.  He loves all the decorations, baking, and beautiful colors outside just as much as I do.  And, although Anna was just along for the ride this year, she is clearly excited when James is and will be helping out next year I’m sure.


One thought on “Fall is here!

  1. You have to stop feeding that boy! He is growing up so fast–maybe he grows in the night when we’re not looking! He asked me if I had my Fall decorations out too! These are wonderful pics, Jess! The house looks beautiful!

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