A Day of Play

Last month I started this post and just never finished it.  I took a TON of pictures to document our day and wanted to capture it here.

In one day, James and I played restaurant, built an awesome train layout, went on a walk, and played with the neighbor girl a little.  A full day.  I think we managed to eat and have rest time in the middle of all the fun, too.

We started out playing restaurant in the window seat.  James took my food order and said I could choose from chicken, pancakes, pine cones, and french fries.  I ordered a pancake, and he asked if I wanted a chocolate chip pancake with bananas, or a strawberry one.  He took my money and started printing my receipt.  The music stand was where he took my order, and the dominoes were the money.  I LOVE the eclectic mix of items he needed for his restaurant: bear and bunny, (of course), some kitchen utensils, baby Jesus, duckie, an Oxy Clean coupon, a Christmas piano book, and a screwdriver.  I love this boy.

Next we built a train layout that even surprised Daddy.  I think we used every piece of track James has, and in the end it was really cool.

After rest time, James came downstairs dressed as a fireman/cowboy (see his badge hooked on his pants?), so after snack decided to go for a walk.  And, as I suspected, James wanted to stay in his costume for the walk.  It was priceless.  Needless to say, we managed a few smiles from neighbors.

On our walk we saw that Emily, our neighbor girl, was out riding her bike.  She joined us for our walk and then asked if James could play in the backyard.  She went home and met us at the fence.  When Kenny fixed our fence in the Spring, he left one plank off so the two kids could talk back and forth.  Pretty cute.

Thank you, Lord, for teaching me how to play with my children.  Thank you for helping me forget the work that needs done.  Thank you for the sweet times I have with James and Anna.


2 thoughts on “A Day of Play

  1. This post made me laugh out loud!! how can you not love this kid?! i mean, fireman/cowboy?! it doesn’t get much better!!! 🙂 Love it

  2. Now THAT’s our version of a fireman/cowboy!! And the shades!! Oh my goodness!!! The fun never stops with our boy. I think Anna’s going to be his partner in crime — for now she’s learnin’ the ropes up front in that stroller! Incredible job on the layout, Jess — it wasn’t long ago that we weren’t so good at tunnels and bridges!! Am pretty sure God is getting a few chuckles out of this as well!!

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