Bath time with Dad

Kenny has been in charge of baths since the day James was born.  He has faithfully given both kids their baths for years and for this I am SO thankful!  It allows me time to finish up dishes in the evening, lay out their clothes for the next day, or just have a quiet moment to myself without kids underfoot.

Since the only time I give baths is when Kenny is out of town, you can imagine that I’m not as familiar with the routine.  “That’s not how Daddy does it,” seems to be the theme.  Even Anna who isn’t talking yet, has a strange look on her face as if to say, “Mom, what are you doing?”

Also, mom is typically all business in the tub: get in, get clean, get out.  Daddy, on the other hand, is much more fun.  He lets the kids play for awhile before soaping them up, and bath time truly is a special time.

So, Kenny, we are ALL thankful that you are in charge of baths.  The kids have so much fun during bath time with you; the memories you’re making with them are priceless.  Thank you.



One thought on “Bath time with Dad

  1. A while back, Kenny had just bathed James and the water was draining out but James was still laying in the tub and Kenny had closed the door and was standing in the hall — apparently, James liked to have a “moment” to repose after his bath. Special and hilarious memories!

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