Brunch with Friends

A couple months ago we got together with some dear friends.  These gals are friends of Kenny’s from junior-high and high-school, and they STILL make it a priority to stay in touch.  Amazing.  Carrie, the faithful party planner, is usually the one to initiate a get-together and we are so grateful.  We were missing a few gals and a few husbands, but still had fun catching up.  We are so thankful for these friendships and count it a blessing and privilege to walk through life with them!

2 thoughts on “Brunch with Friends

    • Yes! James received the stickers and picture from Natalie; I meant to email you weeks ago. Thank you so much! He LOVED them and put all of them immediately onto a paper. 🙂 He doesn’t understand yet how to use a few and save some. Oh well. Thanks again!

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