Daily Walks

I LOVE the weather in Colorado!  The kids and I try to take a walk every day when the weather is nice, and we have grown to really love this time.  Of course there are days we’re gone and it doesn’t work, but it’s a goal we try to keep just to stay sane.  When the troops are restless and we need a breath of fresh air (literally), we head outside.

We have a route through the neighborhood that is about 30 minutes which is just long enough.  Sometimes we cut it short if a certain someone is crying because he can’t pedal the hard part (a slight incline) anymore.  James continually chooses something different to take on our walk: his red tricycle he pedals, his other tricycle he can pedal or push, his shopping cart, or sometimes he chooses just to run or walk.

We even have an egg carton we use for a nature walk.  This idea isn’t my own, but it’s brilliant.  You color the inside of each hole in the carton so you have 12 different colors.  Then, as you walk, you look for things those colors and collect them in the carton.  We’ve used it several times and always find new and different things.  Plus, it gets your kids focused on the beauty around them versus “How much longer, Mom?”

Also, I enjoy walks SO much more in our new neighborhood.  It is much quieter and designed for families to take walks.  Really!  This is how we’ve met many of our neighbors, plus it’s fun to meet up with a neighbor girl and have her join us on our walk.

And, back to our weather in Colorado.  Of course there are days through the winter where walks are impossible.  But, in one given week, if we have snow one day, there will probably   be a day in the very near future where a walk is possible.  I love that.  Today, although we had to bundle up, we still enjoyed our walk.

Daily walks with James and Anna…definitely one of my favorite things.