My little decorator

James LOVES decorating for holidays, which just thrills my heart!  I guess my love for this has rubbed off on him.  At the beginning of the month, we put away some Halloween decorations, left up our fall stuff, and added some Thanksgiving decorations.  James had a ball doing this and just cannot wait for the many tubs of Christmas decorations in a few weeks.

Mom made a big deal about decorating for holidays when we were kids at home, and I know this is why I love this today.  I remember being excited waiting for her to bring up the boxes from the basement.  Then, opening each one, finding so many special things, and walking around the house to look for the perfect spot for each decoration.  Mom, thanks for instilling this love for beauty in each of us kids.

It just isn’t the same celebrating without some things in your midst to remind you of why you celebrate.  The fall leaves and pumpkins in our home remind us to pay attention to the beauty of the changing seasons outside.  And most importantly, it leads us to thank our creator for giving us such a beautiful world.

The pilgrims on our mantel remind us of our nation’s beginnings and the meal they shared to give thanks for their harvest.  What a wonderful reminder to give thanks for OUR many blessings!  Everything we have we have received, and Thanksgiving is such a perfect time to develop an attitude of thanks that continues all year long.  Watching this develop in your children is really special.  Hearing James exclaim from the back seat, “Mama!  Look at the red tree!  How beautiful!  Thank you, Jesus!”  He GETS it.  James completely understands that God made all things and for this, I am so grateful.

So, as James and I taped up our Thanksgiving window decorations, he was more than thrilled.  These cardboard decorations came from Kenny’s grandmother, so they are very special.  We had something similar growing up for various holidays, so I love them too.

Are you into decorating as much as we are?  What kinds of decorations or traditions do you have in your family for Thanksgiving?

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