Happy 1st Birthday, Anna!

We celebrated Anna’s birthday while we were in NE for Thanksgiving.  It was fun celebrating with family that isn’t typically around for birthdays!  Thanks for being part of the fun, Mom, Dad, Brian, Linds, Jack, Em, Ry, & Eve!

I can’t believe it’s already been a year since we welcomed her into our family!  Anna’s birthday party included pink, strawberry cupcakes, party hats, and pictures from Anna’s first few days of life to decorate the table.  While all of the family devoured the cupcakes, Anna wasn’t so sure of them.  She squished the frosting between her fingers, made a funny face, and REALLY turned up her nose when we put some cake into her mouth.  Funny girl.  I’m sure she’ll eventually learn to like sugar just like the rest of her family.

Anna-girl is such a delight to our family.  She is happy (most of the time), curious, and already has such a sweet, spunky personality.  She continues to follow James around like a little puppy, wanting to be right there in the action.  The two of them play quite rough and initially I was not happy with James for wrestling with his baby sister.  However, watching her smile and laugh while he rolls her around and tackles her proves that all is well.  She enjoys playing with him and I LOVE, absolutely love, to hear them laughing and playing together.  It is one of my most favorite things and always brings a smile to my face.

Anna is communicating quite a bit these days.  Although the only words she can say are “Mama & Dada”, she has quite a few other sounds and ways she “talks” to us.  She knows a few words in sign language, and gets her point across pretty well by pointing and making sounds.  She also has a fun sense of humor already.  She seems to understand joking and will do something silly and then laugh.  Too cute.

Anna loves her daddy and often wants him instead of me.  It is very sweet to see their relationship develop and I pray that as she grows, she will always have a special place in her heart for daddy.

Anna, we are so thankful for you and how you complete our family.  We love being your parents and count it a blessing and privilege to have this role.  We are learning what it means to parent a little girl, and find ourselves on our knees seeking wisdom from God in this area.  Thank you, Lord, for our sweet, healthy, Anna!

Look who's one!

Look who’s one!