Preparing for the King

As I write this our city is covered in white!  Finally, our first snow!  We are thoroughly enjoying preparing for Christmas at our house.  Seeing Christmas through the eyes of children is so much fun.  I’ve always enjoyed this time of year but it is even more enjoyable now with kids.  They are excited about everything and their excitement is contagious!

So far this month we’ve decorated our house and tree, Kenny hung lights outside on the house, we’re working through our Advent calendars, and one warm night we walked through our neighborhood looking at lights.  This year I also wrapped up the kids’ Christmas books (that we already owned) and every few days we open one to read together.  Just a fun way for the kids to remember some favorite Christmas stories.

Last night we drove through “The Many Lights of Christmas” which was so much fun.  Every year a local church puts on this wonderful display of lights that you drive through.  We saw everything from Santa & Mrs. Claus to Jesus in the manger in Bethlehem.

Still on our list is making Christmas cookies, a family carol sing-a-long (this sounds like a great idea in my head, but we’ll see), and several evenings watching Christmas movies while addressing Christmas cards.

This year for the first time I made a list of all the fun things we’d like to do during the month and it has really helped ensure we actually DO them!

My prayer this month is that we’ll remember Christ in the everyday excitement and wonder of Christmas.