Thanksgiving 2012

We spent Thanksgiving last month in NE and had a wonderful time.  My brother, Brian, and his family also came!  We don’t see them very often so it was a very special week together.  Lots of great food, games, and fun between the six cousins.

We were also able to see my Uncle Ken & Aunt Linda from Seattle, my Grandpa, and Jen, my very good friend from high school and college days.  What a blessing to reconnect with friends and family!

4 thoughts on “Thanksgiving 2012

  1. Thoroughly enjoyed your recent postings. Thank you so much for doing this. Love and hugs to all of you.

  2. Those pictures are great! Thanks for sharing. It was wonderful seeing you….we really need to reconnect more often!! Next time, we need to go have coffee or a chocolate milkshake at Union 76 (if I remembered correctly). 🙂

    • Yes, it was great seeing you too, Jen. I would LOVE to get a chocolate milkshake with you next time. 🙂 Love you!

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