Our Current Favorites

For those readers with kids, I wanted to mention our current FAVORITE worship album and kid’s bible.  Actually, I’m enjoying these two items just as much as James, so I’d recommend them for big kids, too.

Over Thanksgiving my sister-in-law gave me a copy of Seeds of Faith (scroll down on the amazon page to hear song samples) and it is amazing!  Thanks, Linds!  We all love it and have been listening to it quite a bit.  James even asked to take it to his room for rest time, so I know it’s a favorite of his, too.  I love that the songs are straight out of scripture, and the arrangements are upbeat and refreshing, not simple and elementary sounding.

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And I’m sure most of you have heard of The Jesus Storybook Bible, but if you haven’t, you need to find a copy!  Again, this is geared toward kids, but as Kenny and I read to James, we are finding parallels in scripture that we’ve never seen before!  Sally Lloyd-Jones has a gift of walking children through the familiar bible stories, then directing their focus back to Christ at the end of each story.  It is so beautiful.  James is LOVING it and asks to read it often.  Great gift for kids AND adults.



2 thoughts on “Our Current Favorites

  1. We have all the Seeds CD’s–given to us by my sister and my sis-in-law! I really like them and just listened to the faith one the other day. We also read that Bible, and take turns with that one and a different one.

    Thanks for the mail you sent, which arrived today!!!

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