Farm Fresh Eggs


I learned something this week: farm fresh eggs do not need to be refrigerated!  I’ve been buying eggs from one of the gals in my mentoring group and they are delicious!  When eggs are hatched, they have a protective coating on them, which is removed when the eggs are washed.  Store-bought eggs, of course, are washed very well to remove any trace of salmonella so they must be refrigerated.  If you buy eggs from someone you know who has healthy chickens, there is no need to wash them immediately.  Amazing!

Anyway, I did a little research and it is debatable how long you can leave your eggs sitting on the counter.  The article mentions anywhere from one week to one month.  I think I feel comfortable with one week.  They can then be refrigerated and last even longer.

Another bonus: a bowl of pretty eggs sitting on the counter is beautiful!
