Nursery Rhyme Day

A few weeks ago was Nursery Rhyme Day in James’s kindergarten class.  After spending time learning about the meaning behind common nursery rhymes and saying them together, each student was to choose a Mother Goose rhyme to recite in front of the class.

James had already mostly memorized “Peter Piper”, so that’s what he decided to do.  He dressed the part in jeans, a flannel shirt, and a straw hat.  So adorable.


I really enjoyed being part of the Nursery Rhyme Day at James’s school.  His teacher asked for a handful of volunteers, so when I asked James if he’d like me to help, he said, “Sure”.  Then, as I was walking to his classroom with him that day, he said, “Mom, why are you helping again?”  Seriously?  I was looking forward to this for weeks, we even talked about it the day before and that morning, and now he wondered why I was tagging along?  Oh well.  Who knows if he’ll want me to help in his class again, but I sure enjoyed the afternoon.  I loved seeing him interact with his friends and watching him in his new environment.


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James did a fabulous job reciting his nursery rhyme and Kenny was even able to take off work and come up to watch.

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The rest of the afternoon included a fun snack and nursery rhyme stations which the mom’s helped facilitate.  We even got to tag along to gym class.




Just one of James’s many fun, school activities.  Great job, James!

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