Crrr-azy Weather



These past two months we have seen some very weird weather.  Anything is possible in crazy Colorado!  Typically, April showers bring May flowers, right?  Well, in Colorado, April still has plenty of wintry, snowy days with a few nice days mixed in.  May is where the rain showers begin, and hopefully by June, we start to see some spring and summer weather. We’ve had a very long winter here this year and spring seems to be sneaking by without being noticed.  Soon it will be hot and we’ll wonder where our nice, spring days went.

I’ve taken some photos of our weather over the last months just because it always surprises me.  I’ve lived here almost 15 years now, and it still shocks me to see snow in April.  I’m not complaining, though!  I’ll take a cool, snowy, cloudy, rainy day over high heat any day.

Early April we had some great weather and our spring flowers made quite the display. Anna and I even found our flip-flops for a few days!

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Then, one rain shower turned into snow and we woke to a blanket of white yet again.

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May came, our flowers had survived the snow and continued to bloom, only to be blasted by a terrible hail storm.  By the time the hour-long storm was over, we had 3-4 inches of hail.  Once again we had a blanket of white.  Many of our flowers didn’t survive this storm. So sad to see such beautiful blooms lost so quickly. Thankfully, Kenny didn’t have much planted in the garden yet.  He now has hail cloth protecting the garden just in case we get another storm.

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In one week we saw all three seasons:  snow, rain, thunder, hail, and a few short patches of sun.  Crazy!

Several weeks ago we started prepping our deck to repaint it, but we haven’t been able to paint with all the rain!  I complain about the rain and how it inconveniences us, but then I remember back to the forest fires we’ve had in our state over the past few years.  If this is God’s way of preventing forest fires in CO, then bring the rain!

Finally, several days ago, I planted some flowers.  Typically it is safe to plant annuals around Mother’s Day, but with all the crazy weather, I decided to wait a few more weeks.

Then the last few days, a beautiful gift from God – sunshine and blue sky!  Amazing!  I just had to take a picture since it’s been so many days without it!

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Thank you, Lord, for the changing seasons.  Thank you for the rain, sun, hail, snow, lightening and thunder – all of it proves over and over again of your power and creativity. Thank you for giving us such a beautiful world to live in!


One thought on “Crrr-azy Weather

  1. These really are wonderful pictures Jess!! Seeing Anna in a coat and boots and then in a dress and boots and then little toes in flip flops pretty much describes Colorado Weather!! They were probably all in the same day!! I wonder if everyone knows about thundersnow!!

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