James’ First Grade Year

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James had another remarkable year in school!  First grade proved to be full of fun, challenging in some ways, and definitely a memorable year.  James’ teacher was again so wonderful.  After his kindergarten year I couldn’t imagine another teacher could live up to the bar that was set, but Miss Newton was another gift from God.  She was so kind, compassionate, and gave her students a real love for learning.  We are so thankful.


I helped in the classroom quite a bit more this past school year and thoroughly enjoyed it. Anna and I went in weekly to help with reading groups and I loved the time spent there. James was very receptive to my being there this year and met me each week with a big hug and often kisses across the table.  So sweet.  I enjoyed not only getting a front row seat to helping the kids, but also knowing who James’ classmates were.  By the end of the year we all knew each other pretty well and we developed great relationships with the kids.  All of James’ friends LOVED Anna and she quickly made some big-girl friends. Even the boys would high-five her as they rotated to our table.


First Grade came with more responsibilities and James definitely rose to the occasion. His first-born personality was always quick to complete his “optional” homework and he’s doing so well reading now.  We’re currently working on the local library’s summer reading program and it is wonderful to see him reading on his own, even if he is gently nudged by mom to do so.


Once again we are so grateful to God for his perfect leading to this school.  We love the partnership between administration, teachers, and parents.  They love our kids so well and desire to teach them those things that are true, beautiful, and good.  What a gift!