Loved By God


From Jesus Calling today…

“Because I am infinite, I am able to love you as if you and I were the only ones in the universe.”

I LOVE this.  I love how Jesus loves me with an everlasting, unconditional love.  He only has eyes for me – or at least that’s how it should feel.  He and I are the only ones around and we’re just heaping love on each other.

The last few days have been more challenging with light-headedness and I find myself needing to soak in truth just to make it through each day.  God is so faithful, and during the hardest times, He gives me strength for the very next thing.  I don’t pray for strength once in the morning to cover the whole day, I pray minute by minute – strength for the very next task.  And He is faithful to carry me.  So much love.  “Father, give me strength to finish grocery shopping.”  And He does.  “Help me load the van with all these bags.”  And He does.  “Protect us as we drive home.”  And He does.  So much love.

I’m a constant learner of how much I can handle in a day.  Sometimes I feel like I learn this lesson, and then have to re-learn it over and over and over.  I’m definitely on the run more this fall with both kids in school, and just the simple task of driving multiple times in some days to drop off and pick up wipes me out.  So, I’m learning how to be smart with my time at home.  I have to make time to rest in between.  On the days I feel great, that is so hard! I go, go, go and get so much accomplished, and then pay for it later.

So, today, while Anna is in preschool, I’m not grocery shopping, I’m home soaking in truth and studying God’s Word.  It’s what my body and soul need.  A wise friend (Thank you, Lora!) suggested I use my time alone for refreshing tasks, not chores.  Grocery shop with the kids because they are great at the store and it’s part of being a family and preparing for what we need.  Use the time away from the kids to rest, read, craft, bake, or blog – do something that will refresh me and give me more energy for being mama.  What great advice.

Another portion from Jesus Calling today…

“I have created your brain with capacity to know Me as Friend and Lord simultaneously. The human mind is the pinnacle of My creation, but so few use it for it’s primary purpose – knowing Me.”  

How can you carve out time today to know Him more?  Do you grasp how fiercely God loves you?  Thank Him today for His unconditional, ever-lasting love for you.